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Mar 20, 2010

K- Box ♥

Waaahhhhaaahhhh~~~!!! Blogging blogging blogging right now~ TeeHee... =) I just helped my mummy to do her express french pedicure la!!! Hahahahaha! See~ I'm such a good daughter bar... Hehe! Mummy gonna attend a wedding dinner tonight with my daddy la... Issssshhhh!!! So Darling have to fetch me here and there liaw lor... Oooopppsss!!! I'm so so so sorry to Darling's friends la k? Muahaha! Actually Darling's friends ask him to out "lim teh" last night de... But Darling said he have to fetch me back then change to Saturday night lor... But!!!! I din even know mummy got dinner tonight bar... I thought mummy will fetch me to shop tonight bar... So so so......... Darling can't out with his friends liaw.... So sorry ya~ Hehe! I think most of his friends will say him like... Errrmmm... "重色轻友" like that gua??????? I just guess only la~ Hehe! Coz everything girlfriend girlfriend and so on la... Hehe! But who cares?! I'm sure every guy will do so if they really care and love us right??? Respect ma... TeeHee... You guys out next time la... Sorry anyway~ Paiseh~ xP

Darling said wanna bring me go watch movie tonight wor... Since we have nothing to do tonight ma... Me cincai lor... Haha! =) Ohyea~ I've have fun night with some of my buddies last night... Even there's only few of us... But we have lots fun there! I've mention in my previous post... We went to K-Box at The Spring last night! YeeHee.... My very first time to go K-Box la... I wonder how "sua ku" I am la... Hahahaha! Luckily Wei Chia and Yee Hoon also never been there before... Kakakaka.... =P We take a package one like Rm109 de... The cheapest package liaw... Coz we don't want beer or alcohol... So we choose the cheapest package lor... We got 5 person actually... But the package one are 4 person's room... The room are really BIG la!!! 5 person already quite crowded liaw! Save money... Squeeze squeeze a while never mind la... Hahahaha! In the end, Darling come to meet us up there... Walao eh~ 6 person in the super super BIG room!!! Packed like sardine fish la! Muahahaha! The lucky things is... All of us are not that fat la... Except my giant him nia lor... Hahaha! So packed but FUN and HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some pichas... =)

K-Box Menu

Our Snack Plate

2 Jug of Drinks & A Bottle Of Grape Wine

The Two Vegetarians

Hoon & I

The Crazy Us

The Only Guy At The Moment

Sing Sang Song


YoooHoooo~~~!!! We actually 8pm just start... But me, Wei Chia, and Yee Hoon arrived at around 7pm like that lor... Since I'm so so hungry... Haven't eat bar... Hehe! We then head to The Spring Food Court to have my dinner... While waiting for Stella and her friend to come... We chit-chat a lot there! Gossip!!! Hahahaha! Yee Hoon are the only guy who join us... Hahahaha! We are so so so good and close anyway even though we didn't meet up for quite sometime already! =) We shares our things and story... Happiest thing is Wei Chia did found her lover looooo..... Being single for few years already... Finally~~~~ Hahahahaha! Stay sweet ya! TeeeHeeee.... Yee Hoon still don't want to have girlfriend bar... He said to have girlfriend need lotsa money! Aiya~ Not every girls money face one ma... Hahahaha! Hope next time still got chance to out again!!! Coz school re-open next week liaw... So fast! Hope next time all of them don't have classes and so on la!!! Isssshhhhh!!! Many of them busy! Hmmmmm.... Anyway, keep in touch always ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D


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