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Feb 22, 2011

Zzzzzzz ❤

It's another bored to death day!!!
Wanna to go exercise one!!!
Call for four different place for booking kok!
Who knows???
All fully booked jor~~~
So many people go for exercis
e kah???
That's why lor...
Health is important for everyone!!!
Wanna to accompany my friend keep fit!!!
And for fun too!
No place to go!!!
Today no go salon looo...
Aunty keep calling coz got people want to do nails!!!
I back home already 2pm liaw lo!!!
Si beh tired loo...
Got money don't want earn??? Haha!
Just the time is too rush for m
e liaw~~~
So sorry~~~ =)
Now just waiting my sis back...
Out together mummy said!!!
What I want to do beside sitting in front of pc???
I should go sleep one!!!
But have to waiting phone calls from my Aunty's travel agency...
Okay liaw!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing to blahs with this bored day!
Sob sob!!!


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