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Jun 21, 2010

Wishing ♥

I have a nice day~ Hahaha! No lar no lar.. It's just a normal day for me... But I feel so good right now! Nothing happen... Everything are just like usual... Business okay not bad~ =) And I did wash my hair at salon too~ Huhuhu... Spent again... xP Coz got customer waiting for us to do their nails ma... So I rush rush rush then no wash my hair at home! TeeHee~ Do hair mask too~ Love my silky hair~! =D

Wah~ Cannot chat with my ah pui right now wor... He's meeting right now... Issshhh!!!! Meeting for 3 days!!! Walao eh~ Need so many thing to talk 3 days meh? Hmm... No choice~ I just do my own thing lor... Online, blogging and watch football match!!!! Muahahahaha! Just watch for fun la... Quite "kin tio" sometimes... Now Portugal in 1 goal lor... Don't know who will win huh? No idea~ Hahahaha! =P

Actually wanna ask mummy bring me out geh~ But mummy said want to watch football macth bah~ Hahahahaha! I want go out buy collagen and also the UV bright! See... Cannot buy... Hmmm.... Later still want to meet someone... Want to "kheng" business bah~ Hahahaha! Want to earn more money~! =P

Arrrgggghhh!!!!!!!!! Went to The Hills that night! Got singing competition o... Many people!!! First time know that The Hills can be so many people too ah? Hahahaha! Coz of the competition bah? Hehe! My aim to go there are because of MNG la... lolx!!! No use one la me... Hehehe! Not only me want to go k? My mummy also!!! Both of us are shopaholic! What to do~ Hmmm.... I bought again!!!!!! Spent RM100+ to buy "baju" again... Arrrgghhh!!! Now now now... Still left one I still thinking wanna to buy or not leh~ Considering now~ To buy or not to buy? That "baju" cost RM129 wor... Hmmm.... See how la... Hahahaha! I say I am broke!!!!!!! Broke till now still buy buy buy non-stop! Tiam!!! Wanna ask mummy don't give me any salary anymore!!!!!!! Start on next month!!!! I just can spend my nail business money nia lor... Hope my business going smoothly~ My bun's business de money all can save! Pay my 3 insurances *the kiasi me*, give my parents and so on la... The rest ask mummy keep!!! Hope one month can save 1k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My target now!!!!!! Before is RM500... Now have to improve myself le... So I want to be hardworking lor... Mummy said next year I want to make report lor... So that I can buy some asset thing like buying new car for myself and blahs... Impossible I can buy a house now la! The sky sure will drop if I buy house! Hahahahahaha! Mummy ask me exchange my car! No way no way!!!!!!! I don't want!!! Once I change, I have to pay loan every month! Want me die meh? Coz I don't want full loan de... Full loan will "eat" more of my money ah~
And I already got my own car now... So lor... Don't have such a big head don't wear such a big hat lor... Hehehehe! =P

Waaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! After blogging, Portugal in 4 goals now!!!!!!!! 4-0!!! Oh my God~ Hahahaha! Finally this team won't make their fans disappointed liaw... Coz the previous pro team all made their fans disappointed! xP

Okay~ I have to stop here now... Want to go shop earlier today! Wish me luck wish me luck!!! Hope my everything "soon soon" la... =D All my dreams will not be a dream anymore! It will be real one day!!! Around the world!!! Yes, I can!!!! I will try my very best de!!! My hard work will be a well worth!!! =)


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