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Jan 23, 2010

Updates ♥

Update update update!!!!! Just passer by to update my bloggie~~~ *winks* Had been many days no blog already omg!!! Since 18th till now... 23rd??? Hahaha... Anyway... I'm here~ =P Am being very busy nowadays... *sigh* Feel like to have some break leh... Or any short holiday la... As long as I can rest... Hmmmm....... =(

Oh yea~~~ I felt like myself staying in a laoya house now la~~~!!! Laoya room I have!!! Wtf!!! Worst than a "atap" house! Hahahaha! Know why? Water keep on falling down when raining!!! Issssshhhhh!!!! Daddy's ask people come and repair it today! Photo shown in below! Hahahaha! Have to wait 1 more week to check whether the water still falling down or not! Sienx lor......!!! Not going to stay at my room until everything are settle! Will sleep in mummy's room~ Muahahaha!

The Ceiling

See~~~!!! I'm so poor la~ Muahahaha! Well well well... Tomorrow will having a spring-cleaning at my homie~~~ Darling will come over to be my male-maid as usual la... Muahahaha! Gonna to re-arrange all my clothes and so on la~ Lots lots lots!!!! Always get scold by mummy! Coz I got a messy room! Muahahahaha! Felt like myself are wasting lotsa money in those unecessary thingy la! What to call huh??? Like always being fickle in one's affection! Muahahaha! So lor... Lotsa clothes wants donate to The Salvation Army as usual... Hehehehe! =P

Few more weeks to go to CNY lor... So fast!!!!!!! Darling gonna celebrate his 20th birthday two times as usual... His actual birthday always celebrate with me since we together till now... *xoxo* Then leh... Will be celebrate again his lunar birthday in the 2nd day of CNY as usual too... Not fair de... Keep celebrate 1! Muahahahaha!

Last night when to Darling's uncle house to visit Darling's popo... =) Such a long time no see her already... Few weeks gua??? Hahaha! If not... Every Sunday I will see her at Darling's place... xP Now leh... I could hardly to see her so often already... *sob*

Arrrggghhhh!!! I have to pong pong now~~~ Kia first!!! =P

Post by: Little Miss Xian Xian

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