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Apr 27, 2010

It's Her Birthday ♥

Huhuhuhu... Feel my whole body so so so "sour" now eh~~~ =( My face pops two pimples again!!!! Wtf!!! I hate pimples on my face!!!!!!!!!!!! Haaaaiiiizzzz!!! Maybe aunty wanna come and visit me again... So sienx lor... Why girl want so "chi cham" and "mahuan" hoh??? Issshhhh!!! =(

Later 6.30pm have to wake mummy up then go airport fetch my bro and Tieng looo.... Yeah yeah~ My things!!!! Once my things come, money wanna out again! Oh no~~~ No money how to pay owh??? Salary haven't out yet leh... Mummy haven't give me yet leh... The month haven't end... Still got few days! Arrrrggghhhh!!!! I'm so kolian ah~~~ Huhuhuhu.... *cry-ing*

After that, I have to go fetch Wei Chia kok ah... The birthday girl of today... Not many of us going out with her tonight... Coz all are study and having their exam! Weekdays ma... So lor... Since Sharon said wanna go CooCooRon's Cafe wor... Near her house ma... Haha! Okie~ Decided to go there... Long time no go too... =) Have to spend again for the pressie... My purse already burn a big hole then burn another big hole again... Now become "chao huay ta" lo........ But never mind la... As long as we are happy and enjoy our life! Muahahaha! =P *all are stupid excuses*

I wanna ask mummy to fetch me there la... Scared scared drive car at night if I am alone ah.... Hahahaha! Then Darling will fetch me back... =) Pity him busy for the whole day wor... He said many things are settle liaw... So he might not that busy le... But PC Fair suck!!! It's time for me to be Miss Independent looo... Coz he can't accompany me liaw ma... Hahaha! =P

Opppssss!!! I have to get ready now!!! Tada~~~ Have a nice day~ I love TopGirl!!!! *A brand by SHE* =D


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