Good afternoon peeps
Today will be a good good day~ Absolutely!
Wheeeeee~~~~ (@⌒▽⌒@)ノ
Let's update my last night "yam cha" post!!!
Nothing special...
Just a super duper normal gathering with close friends...
Actually still got 1 more people geh~
In the end she can't make it...
So! Only 3 of us!
I wonder why we girls can non-stop gossip-ing huh???
Too over "38" liaw! lol! O(≧▽≦)O
I admit that I am a person who...
Don't like to talk much with someone I not really know~
But I will be like super crazy with my close friends!!!
That's me! Hahahaha!
Can say that... I am not friendly enough?
Yeah~ I never deny about this! Hahahaha!
Coz I really really can't talk much with someone I don't know he/she well mah!
Please don't say me "sombong" lo~
And don't try to judge me as you like IF you don't even know me well~
Peace! v (=∩_∩=) v
Oh well~
Sharon's is our driver of last night...
We head to Hock Lee to buy some stuff...
And then head to Kado for our "yam cha" session!
I just order snack as I already had my dinner before that!
While only Sharon took the meal there~
And Stella is a vegetarian~
So! Drink only la! Hahahaha! (o⌒∇⌒o)
We chat chat chat~
We laugh laugh laugh~
Sounds so good!(★>U<★)
Took few pics only~
Coz feel like nothing to take pic with~
No inspiration~ Whoa!!!
Thought you so pro meh?! Lol! *saying myself*
Pic pic pic are shown below~

Darling came to pick me back...
Head to my shop as usual~
After that, he sent me home again...
My personal driver, his job!ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
Back home...
Continue reading!!!
Coz recently no read tiok my book la~
Gonna continue to improve my knowledge! Hahahaha!
I wanna to play a new online game which intro by Sharon!
Pocket Legends!
Can play with my "Apple" eh!!!
Great!!! \(@^0^@)/
Last time I also addicted with some online games!
Especially Nostale!!!
Ever hear this game before??? Hahaha!
Such a cute game!
I even spent money on the game!
Spent around 200+ to buy the game stuff!
To Gacha the game stuff!
That is my school life time la~
Don't wanna to study even during exam!!!
But play games everyday with friends!
Naughty naughty us! o(>﹏<)o
Love school life so much!!!
Got to go~
Outside is raining~~~

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