Welcome to Little Miss Xian Xian little world~ o(⌒0⌒)o
Here is my little corner~
I can blahs anything I like~
So, I am just pass by to update my cutie bloggie!
It's Wednesday already...
I wish time can run faster!!!
I want go enjoy enjoy liaw!!!!!!!
Finally knew the price of HongKong Disneyland hotel loo...
It's 750 bucks per day!
Is thinking to book 2 rooms or 1 room now~
Darling said 2 rooms are safer~ Hmmm...
2 rooms become 1.5k liaw eh~
Breakfast are excluded!!! o(>.< )o
Breakfast will be charge another 60-80 bucks per pax!
Disneyland wei~~~
Everything are so bloody expensive!!!
I asked Darling wanna go for breakfast during that time...
He just said...
"If you want, I still can say don't want meh? As long as you like it! =)"
As I know, all the food and dishes got all the Disney character!
Mickey & Minnie will come to the restaurant some more!
I don't wanna to miss the chance!
Hope all of them willing to pay and go lor~
If not, I will go myself with Darling! Hahahaha! \(*^▽^*)/
Last night Darling went to Damai with friends~
He fetch two of his friends...
3 person go Damai at night time!
9 something just reach there wor~
He keep sms me while he is driving car~
Opppsss!!! It's so super dangerous!
What to do???
My mood not really good want to scold him what~ ╮(╯▽╰)╭
He told me he will back like 2am something last few days!
Here is our conversation! xP
ME: What time you gonna back later?
*is thinking to ask him back on 11.30pm!*
HIM: 11.30pm lor...
ME: No no no!!! 11pm must back!!! *being naughty is my job*
HIM: Har??? 11.30pm la... I just reach wor... *is around 9.30pm*
ME: Say again!!! Say again you better 10.30pm back!!! *evil laugh*
HIM: Emm lar emm lar... I 11pm back la~
ME: Not to cheat me hah! Cheat me, I will tear of your ears!!!
Coz he is the one who drive…
So better don’t late back noh~
Dangerous driving during night time!
Second thing is…
Being naughty with him is my job!
I never care his friends is there or not...
I always asked him do him tell his friends about my bad???
He said never wor!!! Cannot "cincai" say me bad wor~
I know I am so good! Hahahaha! (*´∀`*)♡
He will just say...
"I sayang you more than everything you know ma? Almost "chao ta" liaw lo!"
Oh no!!!
That's mean I should not blaming myself never get white right???
Coz he said he too sayang me liaw become scorched kii!
Lolx! Whatever la! (●>v<●)
We like fooling each other everytime! That's our life!
I do really can't accept anyone like to talk non-sense about their gf/bf lor...
It's really not good~
If wanna to blame, blame yourself!
What you have chosen, please appreciate!
Respect each other is very important to build a relationship~
In my opinion la actually~
Oh yeah!!!
I wanna refresh myself later on!!!
Go for badminton! Yeah yeah!
It's around 1 week no exercise tiok loo...
Last Friday night went for whole body massage!
At first I really got a bit regret la...
Coz it really killing me! Pain like hell!!!
Maybe I am too tired already la~
But now feel so release already!
Okay~ That's all for today!
Have a nice day peeps!!!

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