Happy Wednesday! =D
Tick-tock... Tick-tock...
Is waiting the time pass to 8pm!
I wanna to play badminton!!!
WooooHooooo~~~~ xD
Just back for my dinner with my
beloved mummy~
At Little Hainan... =)
I am so damn FU
Hrrrmmm~~~ Satisfied!
I am fat I am fat!
So what?! I really can't live wit
hout food!!!
Muahahahaha! =D
Went to salon do nails...
After done with the appointment...
Gonna to enjoy myself la of course!
Wash my hair enjoy the m
Blow with nicey curls...
What the hell???
Later want play badminton still wash hair at salon???!!!
High fever become sot liaw hia???
I am in hurry rush to s
alon ma...
Where got time to wash my hair by my own kok?
That's why noh.... xP
Last night went to shopping with Darling
He wanna to buy a belt!
Walk here and there...
The super "ngiao chi" him so choosy
one lor!!!
Want cheap and good quality kok!
Why I got this kind of boyfriend???!!!
Went to Padini found the belt he
Cost like 100 bucks plus... Okay what~
But he said...
Walao eh! Why leather belt so expe
nsive?! =.="
Faint!!! Know to say it's leather liaw! Stupid!!!
No buy lor of course
Then went to Parkson...
He found a super duper cheap one there!
30 bucks plus nia!
Alain Delon one~
Got 70% discount mah
Leather some more!
The "ngiao chi" him sure very happy like what lo!
Found cheap stuff with good quality!
Hahahahaha! xP
Always save and being "ngiao chi" for himself...
Luckily he is not "ngiao chi" to buy thing for me la!
As long as he is affordabl
Nothing is impossible~ =)
After shop with him...
Went to KFC for our dinner
Long time no eat already noh...
Coz Darling cannot eat much of high cholesterol food...
What to do...
He is FAT bah...
I gonna get ready for my exercise
stuff liaw!
Wow! So pro meh?!
Actually I am so lousy in e
Blueeekkkssss!!! xP
I am who I am

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