Actually I got to work for today... But I exchange it! Tuesday change to Wednesday, today la... Hehehehe! I have to prepare something to my special someone!!! Yiiiiipppppiieeeee!!!!!! My ah pui birthday la tomorrow~~~!!!! Weeeee~~~~!!! Muahahahaha! Nothing special thingy for him... No surprise... Aiiiikkksss!!! Don't know my plan will be his surprise or not looo... Scared he read my bloggie... Hopefully he's not so free to come my blog nowadays la... Hehehehe! He always curi curi come in and read! And still want to act don't know! Blah~~~!!! =P Anyway... Still thinking for the last plan!!! Don't know jadi or not leh... See my mum allowed or not loooo... Hehe! =D This year... No fancy fancy restaurant looo.... Coz not only we two having our candle light dinner... But Darling ask my family go too... So we just go Richmond Place to having our dinner... Nothing special but must appreciate!!!
Done my pedicure yesterday... And Esther help me to do paraffin wax also! My very first time to do paraffin wax! Muahahaha! Looks....... Ewwww~~~~ Hahahahaha! Took few pichas... You will know how ewwwww it is! Dang dang dang dang~~~!!!!

♥ Work In Progress ♥
See it????? Aiyeeerrrrr~~~ So yuckssss!!! Don't you think so??? Looks like my feet get burnt!!! Gosssshhhhh!!! Scary~~~ Maybe coz of the colour la... Hahahaha! But it's really good after doing this... Very moisture and also can whitening too!!! Hahahaha! =PAfter work, my hp rang... Mummy calling and ask me to go saloon to wash hair!!! So rush man!!!!!! I drove from Jalan Ban Hock to Green Height!!! Luckily no traffic jam at the moment... Coz it's around 6 something already... Really rush!!! Then reach there... Wash my hair... Enjoying myself... But!!! This time don't know what happen to those staff la!!! Blow my hair until look kanasai!!! Grrrrr~~~~~ Then my aunty ask her staff to help me wash my hair again then blow it again! Luckily~~~ But I still not really satisfied lor... Still love last time they help me blow de... Coz other staff help me to blow... Hmph!!!! xP Aunty ask me to re-perm my hair... Coz my hair grow quite fast... The new growing hair are straight de! Hahahaha! See first... Coz mummy wanna to colour her hair again before CNY... See my money cukup or not lo... Have to save money ah.... Don't wanna to simply spent my money liaw la~~~ Huhuhuhuhuhu....... =(
After washing hair... Again!!!! Rush home to take my bath then Darling come over my place to fetch me and mummy up... We then rush to MBO watch WooHoo!!!! Such a rushing day!!! Time not enough ah!!! Hahahaha! That time I was so so so hungry you know?! Just take a quick and fast break to Coffee Bean before the movie start! Ate a muffin and a Pure Chocolate! Rush rush rush!!! Hahahahaha! Anyway, WooHoo very nice!!!!!!!! The first Malaysia movie huh??? I mean Chinese version de... Hahahaha! Thumbs up for the movie~~~ =)
Head back to shop to clean and tidy my thingy... Then we head to Pertanak to having our supper!!! Kueh Chap!!! Always go there to having our supper! Love the You Cha Kueh so muccchhhiiieeeee la!!!! Darling too!!! Slurrrpsss!!! Yummy~~~ =P
Arrrggghhhh!!! I have to go right now!!! Wanna to bake cupcakes again~~~ Oreo!!! Darling favourite!!! For his birthday cake la... Don't care you ah! He ask me don't waste money to buy cakes and blahs for him! Ehhhh~~~ I didn't waste money leh... I bake it myself leh! See! I use my real heart to do 1 ah! Hmph!!! Neh ne ne neh ne~~~ Phhhhooooottttssss!!!!!! =P He still don't know I bake for him! Muahahaha! xP
Post by: Little Miss Xian Xian
i wan !!!
u wan wat??? hahahaha!
eee... my hair also not that curly ady... :(
hahahaha! My aunty said go perm it again leh... coz my hair grow so fast! isssshhh!!! beh Q kii~~~
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