Miss my blog so much anyway... Hahaha! I have no time to blog nowadays!!! Okay... Yesterday... Quite busy in the morning... For sure, morning mana can blog right? lolx! Okay... My bro and I decide to buy a watch for mummy as her birthday pressie... 2 more days to go for mummy's birthday! So... I curi curi go out! Darling come and fetch me then go Tun Jugah to meet my bro who waiting me at there... Hahaha! Went to Ocean Watch... Choose the one which mummy like the most!!! Tissot! Hahahaha! Darling bros follow too... Coz after that, they wanna to go their uncle's place to visit their popo... =) The whole day... Keep on finding watch la! Got a lotsa place for only see those watchs! Hahaha! Even though mummy's birthday still got few days to go... But I gave her the pressie already! Omg!!! She's touch!!! Almost cry kii!!! Hahahahaha! She told us before not to buy anything for her! Don't waste money! Don't care ah!!! We got only 1 beloved mummy!!! No sayang then want wait until when baru sayang o??? Hahahaha! =D
After buy mummy's pressie... Then we head to Darling's uncle place! His two little bros want to see their popo la! They really so sayang their popo lor... So sweet!!! Hehehe! Talk a lot with his popo... Nowadays Darling popo stay at his uncle's house... So have to go visit her frequently! Hahahaha! =P Head to have our tea-time after leave his uncle's place... Have a nice and great day with them!!! *hearts*
Then then then!!! Around 6pm something... Go out with mummy again! We went to watch Avatar at MBO! Wth!!! Lotsa people!!! Hard to find place to put car!!! Issssshhhhh!!!!!!! Anyway... Avatar really nice!!!!!!! Worth to watch it la!!! Thumbs up for the movie... *winks* Then... Mummy and I went to City Chain... Go see watchs again!!! This time.... Gonna to buy for Darling de... As his birhtday pressie for this coming 28th! All so so so expensive even after discount!!! *sigh* Ellesse??? Tissot??? Seiko??? Which is better??? Hmmmm...... Still wondering... All of them will cost me like 1k? I no money buy until so expensive la!!! My budget only Rm800! Hehehehe! =P

♥ Mummy's Pressie - Tissot ♥
That day... New Year Eve... Mummy help me to curl my hair!!! Thanks mummy...!!! Aiiiikkkssss!!! But hor... My curls become not curl already after 1 hr!!! Such a short time!!! Coz I didn't put any spray or what la... Hmmmm.... Wasting mummy's hard work nia!!! Grrrrrr!!!!! Went to watch Alvin & The Chipmunks with Darling, Sis, Dine and Jin... Didn't took much pichas with them!!! Hmmmm!!!! Show here some... Hahaha! *chuckles*

♥ Work In Progress ♥
♥ Done ♥
♥ All Of Us ♥
Hahahaha!!! Did I look aunty after I curls my hair??? Hahahaha! Tsk tsk tsk! Tuesday off-day... Gonna to perm my hair loo... Wanna to change new look! Hehehehe! =D Actually still got pichas kok la... But I didn't upload all of them... Coz working ma... Hehehe! =P But I will upload in my FB soon... Hope I got time! Hahaha!
Arrrrggghhhhh!!!!! I want balik now!!! Waiting Darling to come!!! Hmmm... He go to change his car's thingy!!! Seeeeeee!!!!!! Spent money again! Never mind la... As long as you love it! Blueks! =P Just now went to kia kia with Darling a little while before I go work... Keep on asking me want to buy the Nike singlet or not... Coz that day I saw it and I said I want... Aiiikkksss!!! Don't buy thing for me!!! Don't waste money!!! Hmmm... Save it!!! You know what I really want kay? And I promised myself not to spend your money so often! =) Okay... Stop blogging now... Kia first! Hahaha! Wish everyone have a nice day!!! A new start for everyone!!! Hope this year will be a better year... For all of us... My family... Darling's family and so on la... Everyone must +u+u o!!! I want to earn a lotsa money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want around the world no matter how!!!!!!! 3 more months to go!!!! Hurrrrraaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
Post by: Little Miss Xian Xian
Dont buy watch from City Chain... Bad customer service... lotsa ppl complain ady... especially when u try to claim warranty.. they'll give lotsa excuse... and if u wanna buy Seiko... try go2 one small shop at Tabuan Jaya... nx to sweet memory.. the one selling stationary... They're the main distributor here if im not mistaken. Price alot cheaper than city chain. City chain is a rip-off.. although they give lotsa discounts... their watches are actually few hundred more exp than others...
good luck in ur finding.. :P
Aiiikkkksss!!! I think he still love Ellesse the most leh... Kch have no other place to sell Ellesse liaw... How o???
then like tat bopien lo... hahaha... if other brand like seiko, casio, fossil n alba.. u can go2 the one at tabuan jaya...
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