Actually nothing special happen on today la... As usual... Darling come over my shop to help my family in the morning~! Thanks a lot Darling! You're the best best best one! ♥ you so muchhiiieee!!! Hehehehe! After a busy morning at my shop... I ask Darling to cut his hair... Nice hair cut you have! Very neat! *hearts* Then then then... After his hair cut... He then come over my place also to fetch me and mummy up for shopping!!! TeeeHeeee....!!! =D
Again again and again... Went to The Spring... Actually we wanna to watch movie at MBO la... So... Go there lor... Muahaha! Five of us... Since puikia are back from Singapore last few days... Then we watch "Bodyguard & Assassin"! Nice nice nice!!! Worth to watch it! A very sympathy movie lor... Kolian kolian kolian... Never to give up no matter how! Thumbs up for the movie... Lotsa of popular actor are show in this movie... =) And hor and hor!!! The air-condition in hall 6 are super super cold!!! All of us are freezing at there! Pity 5 of us... Hahahaha! Am still wearing a tube-dress kok! Walao!!! Luckily I got put a sweater at mummy's bag! But... Even wearing sweater also no use! Am still freezing at there! Darling too! Pity Darling didn't bring any sweater kok! Just wearing a tee! Kolian kolian~~~ Muahahaha! =P
After movie... Waiting time for our dinner at Batu Lintang... Have a quick window shopping at Parkson and so on la... Went to Esprit too... Darling saw a long sleeve cloth there... Got lotsa of tiny tiny flowers de! Muahaha! Nice!!! Of course the price also very nice lo! Rm199.90 eh... Quite expensive! Hahahaha! Wait Tuesday just buy! Coz we are waiting for the staff purchase from my sis's friend! 40% off leh! Hehehehe! =P
Ohya ohya!!! My Bibi are having her hair cut this morning!!! Gosssssshhhhh!!!! You're so so so cute my dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fat and chubby baby!!! After her hair cut... We tot she will look more slim... Coz no more "pong pong" hair liaw ma... But hor!!! She still look so so so pui and fat la!!!! XD Cute dao~~~~~~~~ So geram to see her! Hahahaha!

♥ My Name Is Bibi Sim ♥
Cute right???? Muahahaha! Bibi said:"I got only 1 eye... But I'm so so so cute! Everyone love me because I'm so lenglui! I always make people happy by shaking my butt non-stop to cheer people up especially my PaPa... I'm Bibi!!!" Muahahahaha! PaPa is my daddy! My daddy really sayang her so much la! Feed her until pui pui! Hahaha! =)
4 more days to X'mas from now!!! Countdown-ing... Don't have any plans leh... Hahaha! Where should I go??? Maybe will follow my bro them! Hehehehe! Pressie from Darling are received already... Darling also received my pressie for him also... No need to panic to think so much until headache anymore... Hahahaha! *winks*♥ Christmas Decoration At Hilton ♥
Hahahaha! Capture the photo when Darling and I go to Waterfront on Friday night! Hehehe! Arrrrrr.... I'm going to bed now... Tired! Says night to everybody~~~!!! Muaaaacccckkkkssss!!!! =*
Post by: Little Miss Xian Xian
so nice... T.T i wish he could bring me too.. ='(
Bibi.. so cute eh... leg short n thin..body so round... hahaha... like cartoon....
Bobo become so big khi compare with bibi...
oh.. n she's so round! LOL
Moeito: Opppsss!!! U viewing my blog too??? Hahaha! Cheers up gal! As a girl... We must be strong!!! Stronger than guy! Don't let them to look down us! Okay?
Dine: Hahahaha! so fat her! after hair cut also very very fat!!! geram!!!
T.T i tried but failed..
i learned n changed but he stil dun believe in me.. still @#$%^&* me... zzz~
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