I'm back~~~ WooHooo~~~ Just having my dinner with my family and Darling~ I love my days!!! These few days really spent most of my time and also my day with Darling! Just for accompany him! *hearts* We go shopping~ Lunch~ Tea Time~ Dinner~ Eat a lot~ Spent everything together!!! Spent money!!! Muahahahaha! =P
I really eat a lot nowadays!!! Non-stop eating!!! Cham!!! I gonna be a "tua pui ma" already!!! Arrrrgggghhhhh!!! I wan to keep fit!!!! Hahahahaha! =P Oh yea~ This morning, I back shop earlier! Darling come to fetch me at shop! Wanna to pick his family from the air-port by using two cars! While waiting them landed... Darling and I went to McD to have some burgers and Mc Flurry!!! I ordered my favourite Chocolate Cornetto Mc Flurry and Double Cheese Burger!!! HuuuuuuRaaaaayyyyy!!!! Hehehehe! Ho jiak~~~~!!!! *winks*

Waiting for around half an hour, his family just come out! They look excited lor... Especially his two little bros! Keep on talking what's happening when they are in Singapore! Hahaha! Such a sweet family they have! After back from air-port, they went to eat lunch at 3rd miles... Whhhoooootttsss! Eat again?! Omg!!! But I didn't eat! Hahahaha! Oh ya~ Received a tee from his family... Don't know who buy that for me... Hahaha! Anyway, thanks a lot!!! But hor... The size are big lor... Hahahaha! =D
Then... Take a nap at Darling place... Too tired le!!! Fall asleep kii while he's fixing his Gundam which bought by his little bro~ Not longer later... My phone rang... Mummy is calling! Ask me back to fetch her up for shopping ba... But I still like "beh gam guan" to wake up la! Continue to be a pig! Hahahaha! =P But at last mummy don't want to wait me anymore... She go sleep kii! Hahahaha!
Of course, two of us go shopping again!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha! Go find his shoes... Find for few days already... Survey for few days already... Hahahaha! Finally~ He bought a pair of Nike shoe... I saw a Nike singlet too!!! I want I want!!! But I have no money le~~~!!! my money cannot spent already!!! Have to save for buying pressie to mummy and Darling!!! Huhuhuhu.... *sad* Darling ask me whether I want or not... I had promised myself not to spent Darling's money anymore!!! He really spent a lot on me already!!! Hmmmm.... Never mind~ Just let it be... Hahahaha!
We went Tun Jugah... Sarawak Plaza... Parkson at Riverside! Wow!!! Such a long time didn't go there already~ Hahaha! Our car park at somewhere near Sarawak Plaza... Then we just walk to Tun Jugah and Parkson... This kind of feeling... Feel so good~ It can be so fresh too! Let me remind of the moment of... Moment of we just "pak toh"! Hahahaha! That time Darling haven't got driving license ma... Hahaha! 3 years ago! *smiley*
After jalan here and jalan there... We went to McD again!!!!!!!!!!!! Morning just McD at air-port nia... Now... McD at town! Hahahaha! I ordered the same burger kok!!! Super yummy~~~!!!! Thumbs up!!! Hahaha! We are crazy already!!! Am I right? Hahahaha!

Hahaha! I really eat a lot lo!!! Hehe! Am gonna to perm my hair!!! Darling request me to perm it! Or else, cut it short!!! Hmph la you! Macam macam banyak! Blueks! =P See first... Maybe next week go perm or next year... Hahaha! Broke broke broke!!! XP
Okay~ I got to stop here right now... Am tired already~~~ Good night!!! *hearts*

♥ McD at Air-port ♥
Waiting for around half an hour, his family just come out! They look excited lor... Especially his two little bros! Keep on talking what's happening when they are in Singapore! Hahaha! Such a sweet family they have! After back from air-port, they went to eat lunch at 3rd miles... Whhhoooootttsss! Eat again?! Omg!!! But I didn't eat! Hahahaha! Oh ya~ Received a tee from his family... Don't know who buy that for me... Hahaha! Anyway, thanks a lot!!! But hor... The size are big lor... Hahahaha! =D
Then... Take a nap at Darling place... Too tired le!!! Fall asleep kii while he's fixing his Gundam which bought by his little bro~ Not longer later... My phone rang... Mummy is calling! Ask me back to fetch her up for shopping ba... But I still like "beh gam guan" to wake up la! Continue to be a pig! Hahahaha! =P But at last mummy don't want to wait me anymore... She go sleep kii! Hahahaha!
Of course, two of us go shopping again!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha! Go find his shoes... Find for few days already... Survey for few days already... Hahahaha! Finally~ He bought a pair of Nike shoe... I saw a Nike singlet too!!! I want I want!!! But I have no money le~~~!!! my money cannot spent already!!! Have to save for buying pressie to mummy and Darling!!! Huhuhuhu.... *sad* Darling ask me whether I want or not... I had promised myself not to spent Darling's money anymore!!! He really spent a lot on me already!!! Hmmmm.... Never mind~ Just let it be... Hahahaha!
We went Tun Jugah... Sarawak Plaza... Parkson at Riverside! Wow!!! Such a long time didn't go there already~ Hahaha! Our car park at somewhere near Sarawak Plaza... Then we just walk to Tun Jugah and Parkson... This kind of feeling... Feel so good~ It can be so fresh too! Let me remind of the moment of... Moment of we just "pak toh"! Hahahaha! That time Darling haven't got driving license ma... Hahaha! 3 years ago! *smiley*
After jalan here and jalan there... We went to McD again!!!!!!!!!!!! Morning just McD at air-port nia... Now... McD at town! Hahahaha! I ordered the same burger kok!!! Super yummy~~~!!!! Thumbs up!!! Hahaha! We are crazy already!!! Am I right? Hahahaha!

♥ McD at Town ♥
Hahaha! I really eat a lot lo!!! Hehe! Am gonna to perm my hair!!! Darling request me to perm it! Or else, cut it short!!! Hmph la you! Macam macam banyak! Blueks! =P See first... Maybe next week go perm or next year... Hahaha! Broke broke broke!!! XP
Okay~ I got to stop here right now... Am tired already~~~ Good night!!! *hearts*Post by: Little Miss Xian Xian
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