Good evening everybody~~~
Today gonna be the last day of February liaw loo...
I am sure everyone do spent their February with full of LOVES!
Because of Valentine
Received lotsa gift and florwers~
But not for me lorr
r.... Hahahaha!
Am still waiting for my belated Valentine gift la!!!
Fast fast April liaw~~~
Can't wait to get
Yeah yeah~~
Oh well..
Is loving my weekend so muchiiieee!!! =D
Friday night went to movie with mummy & sis!
Darling no follow coz playin
g futsal with guys~
Went to watch Burlesque!!!
It's nice movie!!
All the ladies are so
damn CHIO!!!
Must watch must watch!!! =)
Then neh...
Working at salon on Saturday...
Business not ba
d yea~
Just now Aunty calling asl m
e to go salon...
Got people wanna do nails...
Today I back home at around 3pm from shop eh~
Ask me to go there directly???
I am so smelly what~ =(
So I rejected jor~~~
So sorry ya!
But Wednesday got appoi
ntment already~
I will go my
self noh...
My cousin work bah~~~~
I then spent my night time with my beloved HIM as well~
Went to have our dinner at Sister Garden...
I like the food
Darling intro me g
o geh~~~
He asked where I want to have my dinner!
Then said Siste
r Garden!!!
He shocked and said...
Har??? You want go there ah???
This afternoon I just went ther
e with friends nia eh!
He are the only one who never say NO to me...
He said okay, n
o problem~
He go again lo... He like the food
there also ma~ Hehehehe! =P
Yum yum yum! Likey likey!!!
Before fetch me go home...
He still bring me go "mak
an angin"...
Hahahahaha! xP
Let's crap
about Sunday~
Darling didn't awake in time...
So he came shop for his brunch then fetch me home~
Waiting me always is his job!
So what~ xP
After I ready all my thing...
Head to his place~
Darling's cousin little Yvon
ne keep stick with me yea~
Everyone are so curious wh
y she like me so much!!!
Coz she is so super "kot
ak" one...
Who also don't want except her grandma la...
Other people hug her
she never want one!
Especially Darling!!!
She hate him so much!
!! Hahahahaha!
Coz Darling like to disturb her bah~
Even Darling's grandpa is curious why she wanna to stick with me!
I like her so
much la
She want me to feed her mamam...
Want me to hug her wash hand hand~
Once she can't see me...
She will find me k
ok eh~~~
So cute right???
Play with her for the whole afternoon...
Darling keep s
aying her
action wor...
Always want Jie Jie hug hug wor...
Once I say give Ko K
o hug hug you okay?
Without thinking twice, she said NO!
When I take my bag wanna back, she almost cry eh~
But she is clever enough
see me holding my bag...
She said...
Jie Jie hui jia liaw
~ Hahahaha!
So cute la!!!
Only 2 years old but
know everything!
She still say she wanna to take pic pic eh~
So damn cute!
I wanna to play with her again! =)❤ Opppsss!!! Flash light too bright! ❤
❤ She's Adorable~ ❤
❤ With My Melody ❤