Oh oh oh my November~ =) Long long time no update my blog already la!!! I really have no time to blog leh~ Always out out out and out!!! I hate to stay at home!!! Hahahaha!
xP Wah~ Many days I gonna to write eh~ Haha! Kepo kepo a little while! =)First of all... Saturday night!!!! Oh yea! It's Halloween Day!!! Go clubbing with my bro and sis them... Just go there see see nia la actually... Didn't plan to out on that night geh~ But my heart so damn itchy wanna to out you know??? But nobody wanna to out!!! Everyone said no money no money~ Isssshhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! So I just wear a shorts and t-shirt go shop nia lo... Who knows my sis said wanna to out wor! Ask my bro wanna out or not! He said up to us! Arrrrggghhh!!! On that time already 10.30pm le! So late already and yet I haven't dress up myself!!! Wth~~~ Rush rush rush! Darling bought me back and I just simply dress up myself! No make-up and everything! But a new dress! Haha! Simple! That's it~! Halloween eh!!! How could I wish I got a gang of crazy friends which can play around and dress up with those costume!!! I want I want! But all my friends are so "lao sik" geh~ So lor... Hahaha! Anyway, my bro treat us! Kam sia kam sia~ I only drink one bottle nia laaa... Hehe! xP Wanna to go Check-In... But full house then change to The Core... =)

Okay~ The next day... Sunday!!! So busy as usual... Darling are the most helpful people la! Even no work on Sunday but still willing to help us... Only him come early in the morning for help! The rest?! Huh! =( After back home... Darling put me at my place and then head back to his place shower... Then me... Took bath and wait mummy them busy their thing... And also wait Darling to come again! Hahaha! Mummy said wanna go Jenny Boutique~ Yeah yeah! Such a long long time no go there looo!!! Buy buy buy!!! Muahaha! No salary how to buy??? I have no money how to buy??? All my money get handle by my mum! Save into bank! Urrgghhh!!! I choose a lot! Mummy bought all for me!!! Muahahaha! I am lucky to have such a lovely mummy! =D After shop at there... Head to The Spring for movie!!! Plan to watch HISSS for few days ago le... Finally go watch! The movie... Ahhhh... No comment... So fake! Hahahaha! The whole movie keep on cut cut cut and cut nia! But the lady are so mad chio and sexay! Hahaha! xD After movie... Went to have dinner with family as usual... Then... My lovely Sunday is end! =)
Yesterday... The very first day of November! Working working as usual... Escape for yoga class again... Coz mummy wanna go somewhere buy something... Again mummy said wanna go Jenny Boutique again! Awww~~~ Bankrupt! Coz Darling go play futsal no find me on that day... Out with mummy looo... Gooossshhh!!! Buy again! A lot! Mummy buy for me again! Hahahahaha! So good right? Mummy and Darling always are my ATM! =P I got 2 ATM eh! So good so nice!!! Sometimes Darling do also ask me got thing wanna to buy or not... He will buy for me and everything... I am happy to have both of you!!!!! =D
I want money money money please!!! Wanna to change Sin dollar liaw lo... Cham lor... Mummy said she change then we share together! But I just told her don't want don't want! I pay half also! 1k sin dollar izit enough for both of us??? Ringgit Malaysia need 2.4k liaw lor... Huhuhuhu... Half half! Mummy really scared I got no money to save la... Don't know why she just so so so worry I got no money to save every month! No worries mummy~ I got my own limit! Never let my bank account less than the limit I stated! =)
Awwww~~~ Is missing my ah pui so so much!!! =D
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