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May 27, 2010

Tired ♥

Here I come!!!!!!! Am super super super duper tired right now!!!! Just back from Pertanak having supper with Darling la... Urrrgghhh!!! So exhausted!!! =( I din even rest today! Such a busy day for me! Early in the morning wake up then start working at my daddy's shop... Then as usual, noon time having my freelance at aunty's salon... Tired la! Hmmmm.... Coz of money! I have to do so! Muahahahaha! =P

Today are different lor... Mummy come salon to find me and she wash her hair there too... Then I just help her to do pedicure... Barefoot In Barcelona by O.P.I! =) Before mummy come, I did wash my hair at there too... I need some massage ma... That's why I purposely not to wash my hair at home today! Hehehe! And I set my hair! Muahahaha! Hiaw si la!!! xP Have to try everything ma... Never try never know what it's turn out right? Haha! Can try many different curls! =P

After finish my work, mummy said wanna to go The Spring buy something wor... Parkson are having grand sale ma... Then she went to buy underwear! Muahahaha! The crazy her buy just those underwear at Valisere cost like RM900++!!!! If no discount, there will cost like RM1600++!!! That's why she buy a lot! Crazy right? Even Darling said she is crazy too! Hahahaha! RM900++ I can buy my iPod looo... Still got some money left kok ah! Isssshhhh!!!! Not allowed me to buy! Hmph!!!!!!!!! Weird person! She said she rather buy tons of clothes for me, spend in other thing also never allow me to buy iPod or iPhone!!! What the ~!@#$%^!!!!!!!!!!!! Something wrong! Got money also can't buy what I want! Huhuhuhu... Never mind~~~!!!! Be tolerate for these few months! Or else she will said I never listen at her! Okay~ I be your good daughter loooo.... After these few months... I don't care looo!!!!! Wish me luck!!!! xP

Tomorrow is holiday yea! But I have to work too.... So kolian yeh~ What to do? Own business is like that one lor... Have to "kut lak" and "chiong" lor... Hahahaha! But my cousin and I decided that we will off on the 1st of June! Gawai la... Okay, alright... I might follow Darling balik kampung after helping at shop! Wanna to ask Darling's mummy whether she want to do her manicure and pedicure or not leh... I am always ready to help her... =)

Yawn~~~~~~ Feel so sleepy already... It's time for me to sleep looo!!!! Arrgghhh!!! I need collagen!!!!!!!! Want to spend money for buying collagen le! Huhuhu... Anyway, nights everyone! =D


1 comment:

Miss G said...

tired still blogging... :P

u din take my ipod from me yest.. i din know wat tme u came back