Again... Here are the one... One of my dream car... Volkswagen!!! I super ♥ Volkswagen & Mini Cooper!!! Ask Darling to buy me one next time! If he is rich enough! I don't want toy! After that, mummy said want take my car to have a shower bar... So, Darling & I went to wash my mini sport-car... Hahaha! A lot of people waiting for their car to wash also... Wait wait wait and wait!!! Hate to wait!!! Hmph!!! Felt nothing to do inside my mini sport-car... Took few pichasHahaha!
The services are lousy!!!!! The workers all are lazy!!! Hmph!!! I wait for around one and half hours for just waiting my car to wash! The workers all only know catch snake nia! Gossip here and there! Better go home and sleep don't work la! So like to talk! Worst than girls! Suck!!!
Then I went home to take my bath... Darling fetch me to his place... Hmph!!!!!!! Have some little argument with him! Stupid you!!! Spoiled my mood! Make me angry and fuming!!! At least he apologize at last... Neh ne ne neh ne... You are the loser... I'm the winner! Bluekz! =P
Not longer later... Mummy called me... We then head to my place to pick mummy up to kia kia at Boulevard... Nothing to see... Nothing to buy... Save money... Having our tea-time at Ipoh Town! Ewwwwww~~~~~~ Too salty!!! Yuckzzz!!! Don't want to go Ipoh Town at Boulevard next time! Once is enough! Is better to go the Ipoh Town at Brighton Square...
Jalan here and there... It's time to back and take another fresh bath... Going for dinner with my family again at Richmond Place... I can't manage to finish all my food! Darling help me to "sapu" all my left over food! That's why he's fat! Hahahaha! =D

Thanks Tieng bought me the two fake eye-lashes! =)
Post by: Little Miss Xian Xian
waseh waseh... some1 start to love make up huh... tsk tsk...
shud have bought Kate gel eyeliner la.. very very good!!!!
Hahahaha! Quite fun leh... Hehehe! Mummy said it's too late for me to learn! Sigh! Ignore her! lol! Gel eyeliner ah? I got also... Hard to use leh... haha!
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