Miss my bloggie so muchhiiieee.... Hmmm!!! I'm now just back form my working place ah! Arggghhhh!!!!!! I'm extremely exhausted right now! Finally I can sitting in front of my pc... Got appointment today! 5.30pm! So late man~! When I heard Esther told me today's appointment, I wonder what time I could finish it??? Hmm... The customers coming late! 6 something! Wth!!! Hmmm! Finished everything at 8.30pm! But they apologized for that... Hmmm!!!!!!!
My leg muscle is pain like hell now!!! Went for trekking with my family, ah pui, Esther and her hubbie... I tot it just normal trekking ba... In the half way I felt like wanna to give up! But can't!!! Actually we go there is for praying... There's a Hindu Temple *how to call huh?* up of the hill! We start our trekking from around 5pm something nearly 6pm! Quite late already actually... *papa*=( Coz Danny said it take half an hour to reach the top of the hill! But??? We took it around 1 hour!!!! *faint* The day is getting darker and darker during our trip! Scary~~~!!! Around 1 hour... We finally reach there! 7pm something! Dark like "伸手不见五指"! U can imagine how dark it is! We are totally brave enough! Proud of us!!! Luckily we still can pray for it! ^^ I didn't take the pichas when we reach up of the hill! My family not allow ba... Coz scared bout..... U know I know... Hahahha! U can see the view of Cat City! Full of lights! *song*
Inside Darling's car...
Our start point...
*excited because haven't know it really make us like kick the bucket*
Mummy & I
My stupiak Darling
The 1st Gate
Little Miss Xian Xian & Mr. Tall *Issshhh!!! Mummy took this... Have to improve ur photo shoot skill la mummy... Hahahaha! Blur! =P*
It's danger when we down the hill! Can't see anything! Walao eh... No touch-light kok eh... We all use hand phone's light nia... Scary~~~!!! We can't see each other! Imagine how danger it is! The road are full of stone! What a adventure trip for me!!! Never tried before! Hahahaha! Will be go for Kayak next time! Geraldine said Kayak is fun wor... Kia~! Go next time with family again! Wish to have lots of activities with my family! I want I want!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for it! I loving it! =DOkay~ Went to MBO again with Darling's family last Saturday! *happy* We watch "Where Got Ghost?" Lol! Funny movie... =D But I still prefer their previous Singapore movie! This one hia??? Okay okay so so nia la... Hahahaha! But I really really got shocked la... Hahaha! Pinch my ah pui when got shocked!!! Hahahaha! Actually my bro got go too! But hoh~ Ticket sold out!!! Haiz! Coz darling's mummy bought the ticket at noon... Her mummy buy the ticket didn't tell us! If not I can ask her to "long pang" buy my bro and Tieng one also ma... Hmmm...
Where Got Ghost???
Have a lovely night... ^^ This is not my 1st time went for a movie with his family... Few times already... His daddy bought a Osim U-Robic at The Spring!!! Gosh!!! Go Spring kia kia nia... Then bought this kind of thingy home... Hahaha! Just saw it yesterday when go to darling's place... Darling don't even know his daddy bought this! Coz their reach Spring earlier... Hahahaha! His grandma ask me to try and play the U-Robic! Hahahaha! I didn't! Look funny! Hahaha!
My nail colour of the day! *xoxo*
It's late now... Actually I write my post half way... Then 10pm go shop... Then continue writing my blog now! Hehehehehe! No choice! I have no time! Lack of time! Issshhhh!!!!!!!! I will write what is happened at my shop just now on tomorrow... Yuckss!!! It's scary!!! I got to stop here... Good night everyone!!!
Little Miss Xian Xian likes to write everything of her daily life in her cutie blog with "rojak" language! *winkz* She's loving her LIFE with a sweet family & her stupiak Darling~ =D
For those who hate me, don't like me or any rumors... Then, please don't ever to click my web! I am who I am... Be jealous? Go away...
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