When to dinner with my fatty pig at Secret Recipe before going to my shop! ^^ Here are some pics we took! Such a long time didn't take pics together and take pics all the time already... Coz lazy to bring my camera! My camera was like............ Let's look at it!
Not really done yet! Still have to put crystal at the side! But I have no time! =( Everything are handmade! Done by me & Sharon... I just can says.... Good job & satisfied! Don't u think so? I loving it! That's why I seldom bring my camera all the way... Coz scared it will drop one by one! Have to be careful! Haha! =D
Inside darling's car while on the way heading to Secret Recipe@Ban Hock Road... I look nerd after hair cut! Haiz!!!
My ordered... Chocolate Ice Blended & Prawn Macaroni with Cheese! Taste yummy but unfortunately I can't finished in the end... Coz if u eat too much of it, u will felt yuck!
Darling order Fruity Yogurt & Black Pepper Lamp Pie... =) Ya... He's ugly and look stupid too! Wahahahaha!
Little Miss Xian Xian & her Mr.Tall...=D
After having our dinner, we then go my shop... Around 11.30pm my shop are closing then darling sent me home... Waiting my Crocs Capri Suede (black neon pink) Sandal to come... When it arrive??? Hmmmm....
I want this!!!! Did Kuching here sell this Hello Kitty Crocs??? Freaking love it! Must get it one day! =)
Little Miss Xian Xian likes to write everything of her daily life in her cutie blog with "rojak" language! *winkz* She's loving her LIFE with a sweet family & her stupiak Darling~ =D
For those who hate me, don't like me or any rumors... Then, please don't ever to click my web! I am who I am... Be jealous? Go away...
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