It's time for me to blog now... Darling just having his hairar cut on yesterday! Look clean, tidy, & smart! Love you always! =D After his hair cut, we went to Tun Jugah's popular for helping my mummy to buy some books! After that he said he is hungry and he decided to bring me mamam KFC! But I'm not hungry at that time so I just ordered nuggets to eat! Yummy yummy! Love Kentucky Nugget so muchiii! Hehehe! We then go back to his house! While waiting for him to wash his car I'm doin nothing and keep on9 to see ppl's blog! Haha! Around 7pm like that, my sister sms me and ask us go to Mango Tree at 7.30pm! OMG! I didn't take bath for the whole afternoon! No way! Feel yuckkkkyyyy! So I decided to bath before having our family dinner! When I reach home... Errrr.... They are still home! I tot they are gonig already! Cheh~~~!!! Hahaha! Here are the photo of the day!
Fatty dear & Me! =D
Myself before going for dinner!
My sis & I...
1st time went to Mango Tree! Haha! I'm sua pa lao! Hahahaha! The dishes taste ok nia la... Nth special! But expensive man!!!
Ohya ohya!!! The last thing is... I wanna to show off my mobile phone!!! Izit bling??? Look messy coz too bling already! But nevermind! Japanese style ma... Hahaha! Love it love it! Expensive but worth!

That's all for now... Waiting my tua pui ko come for fetch me to shop later on!
Post by : Little Miss Xian Xian
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