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May 20, 2009


Yeah yeah~~~ I'm going to O.P.I. nail coarse tomorrow!!! Nervous!!! Hope everything will go successfully and smoothly... Only a one day coarse! 10am to 8pm! A long time man!!! The coarse cost me RM 750! I really pok kai already!! Spent a lot nowadays!!! But nevermind! As long as I like it is more than enough and it worth too! =D Got O.P.I. cert! Haha! Wish myself GOOD LUCK!!! The next thing is... My fatty dear bought a car yesterday! Myvi SE! Finally he got is own car already! Haha! I want to put lots of soft toys in his car!!! Hahahaha! Wanna buy a Melody put inside his car at Pick & Pack! My family said me don't make his car like girl's car but I don't care!!! Coz dear said that nevermind as long as I like it is more than enough! Yeah yeah~~~ Now is alomost 1am already... I wanna ong ong lor... Have to stop here luuuu.... Good night!

Post by : Little Miss Xian Xian

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