Tadaaa~~~ I feel just so fresh now coz I'm just finis taking my bath at 11pm! Lolx! Then here I come for my blog! This evening I went to my fatty dear dear's house after work at shop! The reason I went there is cook spaghetti for his family!!! Oh My GOD!!! It's my 1st time cook at his house! Hahaha! Feel so funny la... Coz I long time didn't cook spaghetti for my dear already... He miss it so much! Haha! So we went to buy some ingredients yesterday! He told me that his mother want ask me to teach her how to cook spaghetti! Auntie, I just simply cook nia la... Hahaha! 2pm something I reached his house! Then I start my today's job! Haha! His younger brother are busy looking around! I'm so paiseh la! Haha! I take some times to prepare those ingredients! Luckily dear help me too! Haha! At last, I done my spaghetti smoothly~ Yeah yeah~ All of them say it's yummy! Haha! Dear's grandma said that the tastewas nice and suit her! And dear's muumy said nice too! Haha! All of them eat already only left dear's daddy and granpa nia... Coz they haven't back yet! Haha! I back home around 6.30pm! My house having BBQ! Just for fun only coz every Sunday is family day then myy family will gathering together for our dinner at outside! Today we decided to have a BBQ activity at house! Quite fun la coz long time didn't have it! Haha!
Dear & I
Mr. Tall & Little Miss Naughty
Love you~~~ Have a lovely Sunday! Winkz!
My Bubble and Bibi! Love both of u! Muackz! My baby~ =D
My Polo Ralph Lauren slim fit tee with big pony in gold colour!
Brought it at Bali! Haven't pay it! Duno how much! Haha!
Little Miss Xian Xian likes to write everything of her daily life in her cutie blog with "rojak" language! *winkz* She's loving her LIFE with a sweet family & her stupiak Darling~ =D
For those who hate me, don't like me or any rumors... Then, please don't ever to click my web! I am who I am... Be jealous? Go away...
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