I went to shopping with my sis and mummy that day! Then I saw a Roxy wallet!!! Freaking heart ROXY! The retail price is RM 119.90 but after my member discount then it cost me only RM 107.95 I think! A bit expensive for me... But I love it is more than enough already! Hahaha! The most important thing is... This is the very 1st thing I bought it myself by using my earning money neh!!! Hahaha! I start my small business since 1 month ago already! Time past so fast! I next thing is I really enjoy my life! My life are never ever being bored anymore after I learning those nail stuff! I learn a lot of thing that are not include in the coarse! My teacher was so nice and kind person! Hahaha!
This is cute!!! Love it so much! I can help people do but nobody will help me do! Hmmm! But I felt happie too while see I nail art done successfully! Hahaha!
Enjoy and Appreciate my life so muchhiii!!! Muackz!!! =*
By : Little Miss Xian Xian
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