1st of all, Chinese New Year Eve! 25th of January 2009.
My place... =DStapok in the BEST!!! You know why? Coz the time haven't reach 12am yet but they start to play fire crackers and fire works already! They started around 7pm something man!!! Oh my GOD! My skill of photography are not really expect yet! So the picture got a bit blur... Paiseh!Hehe! =)
Our Minnie Mouse!!! Cute??? Start from the left : Sis's, Cousin's and Mine!!! Love it!!!
Secondly, The 1st day of Chinese New Year! 26th of January 2009.
I love you, you love me, we are happy family~~~ It's my family!!! Love all of you!!! Muackz!!! =*
My home sweet home~~~
These just one part of my house! Still got a lot I didn't capture! Hehe! The hampers!!! The hampers was given by my uncle, my bro's girlfirend family and also my fatty dear dear's family!!! The tallest one is given by my fatty dear dear's family! Do you spot it? Lolx!!! =D Thanks all of you!!! =P
Girls!!! Inside the photo got me, mummy, sis, and my brother girlfriend!!!
My uncle house! Still got more pictures but I not be able to done it! =(
There are few people come to visit my house on the 1st day because all of them come on the 3rd day!!! Open-house ma... Lolx! So neh, my daddy decided to visit my uncle house lor... After that, my fatty dear dear fetch me to his friend's house! Go eat lor... Open-house again! Haha! We then go to his another friend's house! All of them busy playing card! I join too! Lolx! Won a bit la.. Hehe! I didn't take any picture at there because I not really know my fatty dear dear's friends!!
Thirdly, the 2nd day of Chinse New Year! 27th of January 2009!
My fatty dear dear & me... =D
It's super duper early I woke up on that day!!! Coz I promised my fatty dear dear to help his family ma... He got open-house on that day! Every year is like that one coz of his Chinese birthday ma... No present for him! Got la... Already given to him! Hehe! =P
Mummy & Daddy... Around 12pm like that, my whole family went to my fatty dear dear house for visit! Hahaha! This is the 2nd time Sim and Chin's family visit each other's house!!! Haha! =D Only for me and my fatty dear dear nia o!!! Hehe!
My two niece~~~ =)After my family back from my fatty dear dear's house, I also follow them back too! Coz every year of the 2nd day of Chinese New Year, my family will go visit some relative's house! Hehe!
I look fat here! So I put it small!! Lolx! =P
My bro and his girlfriend, Tieng. Sweet neh... =)
At night my fatty dear dear fetch me out again! Went to his house again for cut his birthday cake! Hehe! Then go go go... Don't lnow where already! Forget! Haha!
Love you always!!! Muackz!!! =*
Next, the 3rd day of Chinese New Year! 28th of January 2009.
Us again! At my house!
Lolx! Kinda busy on that day coz of open-house ma... So lor... Not be able to take picture! Few pics! Haha! But after the busy day... I follow my sis went to Popwave II for singing! Wahahaha! Kinda fun la! Opps!!! That day is my fatty dear dear's english birthday la!!! Hehe! But he didn't follow me to go there la... Haha!
We at Popwave II!!!
The 4th day of Chinese New Year, 29th of January 2009, didn't take any picture! Coz it's rain heavily la!!! Hek ah! Actually wanna go visit friends' house with a group of my friends! But neh? Rain! All canceled!!! Bo kang tao eh... Hmmm...
The 5th day of Chinse New Year, 30th of January 2009.
No more visit anywhere else for today! At first, me and family went to have a breakfast at somewhere near Jalan Song! Then me, my sis, my mummy and my big bro girlfriend go shopping!!! We went to Spring! Big shopping at Esprit store!!! Lolx! After shopping, we went to The Tarot Cafe!!! 1st time go there neh... Haha!
Mine!!! The Lover! Yummy~~~ But a bit sweet for me... It contain dradon fruit, vanilla ice-cream, sago and honey!!! Sweet! =D
Mine too! Chicken and Salted Fish Fried Rice!
Geraldine's! Salmon toast! Delicious!!!
Mummy's! It's mango one! Taste nice!
Geraldine's too! Look yummy but I didn't try it! Haha!
Sis's! Forget what it call already! Haha!
Wah!!! Finally done already! I have to stop here now!!! Coz I have to go watch movie with family le!!! That's all for today!!!
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