Happy Hari Gawai~~~!!!
Imma sure that most of you are having holidays now!!!
So enjoy huh?!
I got no holidays as well... Huhuhu...
As you know I got my own little business...
I only need to take care during morning time~
The rest of the time is my servant
help me geh...
Now, daddy always at shop...
So he is the one who help me gua???
That's why I can go do some part time thingy to earn more!!!
Darling didn't work today and tom
So nice geh!!!
I envy nah!!! Hmmmm~~~
Without my asking...
He came to shop quite early today for helping~
My male-maid as usual!
Heart you PUI
(●ゝω・)ノ【I love you☆】
Gawai ah~~~!!!
Every year, we used to go his mum's village...
But this year we didn't go...
Darling said don't want wor~
So we then follow my bro to visit his friend's house!
Later later!
Let me blog first! Hahaha! (o´∀`o)
Darling's friend ask him to go visiting together~
But he rejected jor...
He don't like!
What to do??? TeeHee~(●>ω<●)
So then...
Waiting my bro's call...
We gotta get ready!!!
Am waiting now at Darling's place!
Nothing to do...
Sob sob sob... o( _ _ )o
Just pass by to update update...
Nothing special for today...
Am gonna to say Congratulation!!!!!!!!!!
To the new bride and groom last night!!!
Wish both of you stay happily forever and ever~
I like the environment of Grand Margherita...
But the food are........
Less than 3★!!!
Sob~ Hahahaha!
Okieee wookiiieee~~~
Have to stop writing now...
Enjoy holidays peeps!!! \(●~▽~●)