Welcome to my bloggie~~~ =) Today so free ya.
.. No work at the salon... Coz we already got appointment in the morning... After that we back jor... My cousin got things to do... And I back my shop again lor... Help mummy until very late!!! Grrrrr
r~~~~ And then now wanna to upload some photo of Saturday night!!! xD
Well, went to K-Box with cousins last Saturday nigh
t! Woo
oHoooo!!!!! Long time don't have that kind of feeling already~ Coz we seldom hang o
ut like this... Hahaha! Have a great night with them~ Happy! Just hope that still got next cha
nce!!! M
! =D The room are so so so damn cold!!! Everyone are freezing there!!! Walao eh~~~ I usually go won't cold till like this leh~ Hahahaha! Don't know why this room's air-conditional are so fucking cold!!! =S Luckily I got bring my cardigan along yea~ The poor Darling free
ze at there! Hahaha! Sing sing sing~ I like to sing~~~ Muahahahaha! xP
Okay~ I didn't break my promise!!! I went to watc
h Lov
e In Disguise again!!!! Wowww!!! It's my second time!!! Hahahaha! Crazy me?! I think ev
eryone will say me crazy! Yea~ I am! =P So nice what~ I love the movie so much what~ Hahaha! Bu
t D
g don't like wor... He keep on yawning there! Cheh~ Never respect!!! He only know Jay Chou
nia! Grrrr~~~!!!!!!!
At the night time, since my daddy haven't been to food fair this year... Last night is the last day... Then we just bring him go there lor... Waaassse
hh man!!!!
So many people!!!!!!! But the lucky us can find the parking space so easy~ Hehehe! Li
ttle Miss Lucky~ =) Really so many people lor... So super hot!!! Met quite a lot of people the
.. Haha
! And I bought 2 boxes of fake eye lashes there! Actually have to buy 5 boxes just got discount geh~ RM42 per box... If you buy 5boxes and above will be RM35 each! So, I just share with Tieng lor... Of course got cheap geh~ RM10 per box also got! But the one we bought more natural ma~ Hehehe! Like it! Just realise that I can sell fake eye lashes liaw!!!! Gosssshhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! A lot!!! Really "kia si lang"!!!
! Hahahahaha! Buy buy buy but seldom use! =P
❤ My Fake Eye Lashes ❤
Ahhh!!! I received my color lens already!!!! iFairy Snow Blue and iFairy Hanabi Brown! Yeah yeah! So so so nice!!!!!! =) Feel like want to buy violet color one leh~ How about green??? Hahahahaha!!! xP
❤ My New Color Lens ❤

❤ Little Miss Xian Xian & Mr. Tall ❤
YeeeeHeee~~~ Forget to wear my color lens that day!!!! Urrrggghhh!!! How could I wish I got big big eyes! Hahahaha! How can remove my freckles on my face???? Can you see it??? I hate hate hate! Mummy said like that just good bah~ Original face sure got some freckles one... When I make-up, I never use any foundation to cover my freckles too! Coz I really hate foundation!!!!! Ewwww~~~~~ Hate!!! Arrrggghhh!!! I want original fair skin!!!!!! Hahahahaha! Nothing is impossible! Drink more collagen!!! =)