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May 31, 2010

Bye Bye May ♥

Waaaaa......... Time flies!!! So fast so soon... I am going to say bye bye to my lovely month, May... I really full-filled each of my days on this month! A new business... Going well and smoothly... My birthday... Such a unforgettable birthday I have... New income of course!!! Yeay yeay~~~ I feel myself are such a lucky girl~ Because... I really satisfied in everything of my life! Thanks for everything... I really appreciate all of them! =D

As everyone are having their long holidays... My friends!!! 3 weeks of school holidays!!! So good!!! I also want la!!! Hahahaha! I have no holidays and never ever got holidays too! Urrrggghhh!!! Tomorrow is Gawai la... 1st of June! Half of year almost gone in 1 more month! Haha! Yesterday went to Darling's place and help Darling's mummy do manicure and pedicure... Muahahaha! Hope you will like it and enjoy yourself! xP Darling promised to come shop earlier on tomorrow morning... For helping of course!!! I am sure that tomorrow will be lots of people la!!! Gonna work crazy people liaw! Huhuhuhu.... Actually Darling will follow his family go kampung early in the morning one... But hoh~~~ Me me me!!! I am the one who ruin the plan! Coz I got work ma... Hahahaha! So Darling will just bring me there at noon time lor... Just go for fun nia... If not I also no place to go ma... Hehehe! No need go salon tomorrow... My cousin and I decided to have one day off on tomorrow la... So that we can have some break! Then me??? Sure stick with my beloved him like super glue for the whole day lor... Muahahaha! =P I am happy to have you~

Oh yea~~~ I will get my iPod soon!!!! Maybe tomorrow or the next next day??? So freaking happy!!! Finally I got it! Of course my mum still not allow me to buy la... But don't care anymore leh... Just buy nia! I've ask my sis's bf to help me buy at Singapore... Cheaper!!! Everything just cost me like RM700!!! Cheap than Kuching la!!! Then one of my cousin are having trip there... And she will be back on today... So... I can get my iPod soon! Tada~~~~!!!!!!!! Hope mummy don't get mad on me la... Please please please..... =)

I am waiting my new toy!!!!!!!!! =D Got to go now! Hungry~~~ =P


May 27, 2010

Tired ♥

Here I come!!!!!!! Am super super super duper tired right now!!!! Just back from Pertanak having supper with Darling la... Urrrgghhh!!! So exhausted!!! =( I din even rest today! Such a busy day for me! Early in the morning wake up then start working at my daddy's shop... Then as usual, noon time having my freelance at aunty's salon... Tired la! Hmmmm.... Coz of money! I have to do so! Muahahahaha! =P

Today are different lor... Mummy come salon to find me and she wash her hair there too... Then I just help her to do pedicure... Barefoot In Barcelona by O.P.I! =) Before mummy come, I did wash my hair at there too... I need some massage ma... That's why I purposely not to wash my hair at home today! Hehehe! And I set my hair! Muahahaha! Hiaw si la!!! xP Have to try everything ma... Never try never know what it's turn out right? Haha! Can try many different curls! =P

After finish my work, mummy said wanna to go The Spring buy something wor... Parkson are having grand sale ma... Then she went to buy underwear! Muahahaha! The crazy her buy just those underwear at Valisere cost like RM900++!!!! If no discount, there will cost like RM1600++!!! That's why she buy a lot! Crazy right? Even Darling said she is crazy too! Hahahaha! RM900++ I can buy my iPod looo... Still got some money left kok ah! Isssshhhh!!!! Not allowed me to buy! Hmph!!!!!!!!! Weird person! She said she rather buy tons of clothes for me, spend in other thing also never allow me to buy iPod or iPhone!!! What the ~!@#$%^!!!!!!!!!!!! Something wrong! Got money also can't buy what I want! Huhuhuhu... Never mind~~~!!!! Be tolerate for these few months! Or else she will said I never listen at her! Okay~ I be your good daughter loooo.... After these few months... I don't care looo!!!!! Wish me luck!!!! xP

Tomorrow is holiday yea! But I have to work too.... So kolian yeh~ What to do? Own business is like that one lor... Have to "kut lak" and "chiong" lor... Hahahaha! But my cousin and I decided that we will off on the 1st of June! Gawai la... Okay, alright... I might follow Darling balik kampung after helping at shop! Wanna to ask Darling's mummy whether she want to do her manicure and pedicure or not leh... I am always ready to help her... =)

Yawn~~~~~~ Feel so sleepy already... It's time for me to sleep looo!!!! Arrgghhh!!! I need collagen!!!!!!!! Want to spend money for buying collagen le! Huhuhu... Anyway, nights everyone! =D


May 24, 2010

Raaannnnddddooommm ♥

Heeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just drop by to say HI~! Hehehe! Yeap!!! Till now I just finished my bath la! Exhausted!!! =P I love my hair's sweet smell!!! So sweet la... Just like honey! Awwww~~~ Just now having hair wash at salon... Thanks Lucas help me to wash and blow my hair~ Bought a 1500ml L'oreal shampoo... Cost like RM240 but aunty only count me RM200 nia... Special price! Thanks aunty~~~ Muahahaha! =D Gonna to take a package for the hair wash de looo.... RM240 per package if I am not mistaken... Take on next month bah~ Yea yea!!! =)

Tomorrow want to take my car go service lor... Have to spend again... Errrrr~~~~~~ Buy car easy... But have to spend a lot for petrol... Servicing and bla bla bla la! That's why lor... I want to earn more money loooo.... Bo bian... xP

Today Darling didn't come to fetch me out for dinner and blahs~ Busy for the whole day... Just let him rest at home lor... Hahaha! Love you so mucchhhiieee!!! Nowadays he always spent his spare time with me and bring me out and eat... Love to eat la!!! Muahahaha! Like last Saturday, we went to Richmond Place to have our dinner... But who knows that... Last night daddy said want to go Richmond Place too... I was like........ Huh?! Richmond place again?! *faint* Hahahahaha! xP

Opppssss!!! Can I buy something that I want????? Hmmmm... Hope mummy won't scold me le..... Not iPhone but iPod!!!!! Hope I can get it soon if mummy no scold me! *praying* =P Okay le... I have to out with mummy le... Wanna to go buy something for her new business!!! Everyone +u+u in our own business!!! HUAT AH~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D


May 19, 2010

Recently ♥

Here I come to my bloggie.... =D Just finish taking my shower... Since nothing to do then online lor... So bored yer.... Online also do nothing search nothing google nothing... What to do right? So I just come here to "kepo kepo" a while lor... Hehehehe! =P

Went to one of my friend's son new moon party last night... My primary classmate la actually... Wow!!! I really long time didn't meet them up liaw loooo!!!! But too bad... Not many of them going lor... Only few of them! Hope got next chance to meet them all again then everyone can gather together! So fast that... Many of my friends become daddy or mummy already... Waaaahhhh~~~~ Really fast la! Hahahaha! Everyone keep on asking me when is my turn! Oh my goodness!!! Are you all crazy??? Hahahahaha! At least 7 years or 8 years later la... During that age just decide also not late! Sot liaw! Hahahahaha! Even Darling also said must own a house and a car by himself just can marriage ah... See see see! He already planned... So, time are still young! And well, heard many people are getting marriage like that liaw... My aunty's staff and bla bla bla la... Muahaha! Congrats anyway! =D

I've cut my fringe yesterday... Ask my aunty help me cut... Hahahaha! It's free la!!! So good hoh??? =P Then my cousin help me to do pedicure today! Awwww~~~ It's too cute!!! Love it very much la! Thanks a lot Candy!!!

It's So Lovely

Muahahaha! Cute right??? I love cute and fancy things la! So sweet and lovely! We take our spare time to do some design with each other... Hehehe! I love my job!!!! =D Oh yea~ Tomorrow is my turn to help her to do the pedicure looo.... Choose any design you want... I will try my very best to do it!!!! xP

Airasia are having 0 fare ticket right now!!! So freaking cheap like hell la!!!!!!!!! I am sure that everyone are start waiting waiting and waiting for the free ticket! Hahahaha! Miss_G are one of them! Blueks!!! They are going to Pulau Pinang on next year January! I wanna to go also!!!!!!!! Haaaiiiizzzzz!!! The stupid him said don't want wor... Want to save more money wor... Then during April they are going to Redang also!!! Arrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! I wish to go Redang for so long liaw!!!!! Darling want to go also! Unfortunately, he can't! What the ~!@#$%^&*.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so damn angry!!!!!!!! Because PC Fair are usually launch on the month of April! Kanasai one!!! See!!!!!!! I hate PC Fair so much la!!! I always got many traveling plan with him are ruined by the stupid PC Fair!!! Suck!!!! Hate hate hate!!!!! And he can't take leave for the continuously two month! Coz May he have to take leave also... Hmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So moody!!!! Nah nah nah!!!!!!!!!!! x(

I want more and more trip la!!!!!!!!!!!!! Huhuhuhuhuhu.................. Envy those who can always go traveling!!! I want also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P


May 17, 2010

拜托拜托 ♥

哇~ 我来了哟~ 是滴是滴~~~ 我已经还满多天没写部落格了嘞~ 一直都没空更新,换句话说,懒惰啦!!! 哈哈哈哈哈!没办法啦~ 人家最近都忙着赚钱啦!!!回到家就累到半死了!那有时间上这里哦!算了~ 为钱而拼了!!!嘻嘻嘻嘻!在阿姨那不错咯~ 超级多的名媛!可能是在那一个地带吧~ 全都是有钱人!几爽下~ 驾名车住大屋用名牌!哇~~~ 羡慕羡慕!同人不同命呢~ 哈哈哈哈!

最近心情有点。。。。不爽!!! 就是昨天咯!!!讨厌死了!!!! 我原本想就这样的买电话了!!!iPhone 啊~~~ 用现在的 iDigi Plan 买!但是要用信用卡耍才可以啦!死鬼!!!RM 2490, 3GS, 16GB 的!!!还有一个是 RM 2990, 3GS, 32GB 的!!! 天啊~~~ 超喜欢的!!! 当然不是一次过就还完啦!因为现在有特别优惠可以拿他们的 iDigi Plan 嘛~ 计划算下!但是老妈死都不肯我买啦!!!搞什么鬼啦!!!我用自己钱买也不可以!!! 又没叫她还!真是的!!! 结果嘞?跟她闹便扭了!!!气死我了!!! 有钱也没用!!! 因为我的钱全部给老妈保管!又能怎样呢?因为她怕我乱花钱!乱花钱就不能环游世界了!!!唉!!! 也很奇怪啦!我每次买衣服那些买到很凶很多,他都不曾骂过我讲过我!每天去买到一两百或两三百她都没说什么!这个月都快花掉块千多块来买衣服还有一些东西了!!!偶尔还愿意帮我付钱!这样又可以哦? 买电话又不可以哦?烦死我了!那天说想买名牌包包大概两千多块,又没看她讲什么!这样又可以啦?我只不过想换个电话罢了~~~ 哎~~~ 算了!!! 偷偷存钱买了!因为不能用老妈的信用卡所以不能只接拿 iPhone + iDigi Plan 了!只好偷偷存钱买了! 死鬼!!!!可怜的宝贝昨天就是我整天的出气桶啦~ 捏他捏够够来出气!!!哼!!!

本来想买 Sony Ericsson Satio 的说~ 几个月前,我老姐男友买给她用,但是看我老姐用到很像不怎么好用的说~ 所以,我改变主意了!!! 那天大哥女友又买了 iPod 的说,很像很多东西好玩那样!所以我决定买 iPhone 了!!!但是谁知道?????? 老妈死都不肯!讨厌!!! 算了!!! 自己存钱存够够!自己去买!!! 不想再花钱了!!! 希望我说到做到啦!眼睛不可以坏掉乱买东西了!!! 嗯!!! 下定决心!!! 哈哈哈哈哈!

现在的我好矛盾哦!!! 真不想去什么新加坡的!!!! 去到累!又要花钱!!!!吃又贵到咬死!虽然住我们不必担心~ 但是算了!答应我哥要去的!能怎样?为什么什么东西都是要钱的!!! 没钱真惨!哎~~~~

好了好了!肚子饿饿了啦~ 不写了!希望老妈肯给我买啦!!! 要说服她!!! 希望有奇迹出现!!! 哈哈哈哈!


May 12, 2010

Ip Man 2 ♥

Just back from MBO for Ip Man 2 with my mummy, sister and of course Darling~~~ =D Waaaaahhhhh~~~~~~~ Enjoy the whole movie la!!! Such a nice movie! Awesome Kung-Fu! =P Am waiting for Ip Man 3!!!! Hope it will release soon! *waiting* =)

It's raining now~ Raining since this afternoon till now eh~ Such a "long life rain" bar... Hehehehe! I love rainy day~ Cold!!! *freezing* Hehehe! But I don't like it's rain during my working time!!! So sien one leh!!! Because many people don't like to out during rainy day! So, not many customer lor... Issshhhh!!! But the lucky us... Still got customers for us... Better than nothing! Hahahaha! Enjoy my busy life! But I wonder until when I can stand for it! Work work work everyday! Not longer later, I need a long break again! If not, I will got body-ache again ah... Hahaha! But what to do leh??? Everyone work hard are just because of money ma... Life are like that... We have no choice right? Hehehehe... Everyone +u+u!!!! =D

Ask my bro to help me book the Singapore ticket le... Actually I don't wanna go liaw de... Once I go, I can't save money eh!!!! Coz I want to buy ~!@#$%^&*!!! Isssshhhh!!! Darling will not follow me to go... Coz I told him that Singapore nothing special one la... So, he said like that he don't want go liaw... But I don't wanna to leave my mummy go alone ma... So I will be her companion to go with her lo... For my bro's graduation! So so so... Darling can save more money to bring me go Hong Kong next year looo... Everything are planed! I don't mind he didn't go with me... Coz I went to Singapore for so many times le until I can't remember... So, just let it be... At least Hong Kong I never go kok ma... So, I would like to have a great memory with him for my first time to Hong Kong! =P

Awwwww~~~~~ Went to Jenny Boutique again before watch movie... See see see!!! I spent again!!!!!! Spent Rm100++ again for buying 3 pairs of legging, a pair of high heel & a belt!!! No more new clothes liaw leh... But Aunty Jenny said she will open new de on tomorrow! Cham!!! Later spent again!!! Can't control la!!!! What the hell~~~~!!!!!! Darling keep on shaking his head! Muahahahaha! I am broke now!!!!!!! =P

Arrrggghhh!!! It's time for me to sleep now! Have to charge my battery liaw... Later tomorrow morning no energy like dead fish ah! Muahahaha! Okay~ Nights! =D


May 11, 2010

Pressie ♥

Coming coming coming~~~ Finally can update my bloggie le... Quite busy nowadays... Doing own business la... Hahahaha! Wanna to earn more money to have a better life as usual... =) Hit hit hit!!! Hit my target!!! My income!!! Want to give my parents more money, spend more and save more of course!!! Hahahaha! If I got 3k per month, I wanna to give my Rm500! Then another Rm500 pay my insurance and those "ocipala" things! Rm300 for petrol... 1k for spend!!! Then the rest can save into bank ma... Still got Rm700 to save per month leh~ So good right??? Can I??? Yes!!! I believe I can!!!! =D

Alright... My 20th's birthday are past... That's mean I am 20 now!!! Arrrrggghhhh!!!! Okay, wanna to thanks all of them to give me such a blissful and fantastic birthday nights! 2 nights I mean! Love my buddies, my family and of course my beloved HIM la...
*hearts* Appreciate so much!!! Lovin' my life! =D

Darling are the one who spent the most during my birthday!!! Hahahaha! First of all, he bought me a Hello Kitty white gold bracelet... Cost like Rm900++!!! Love it so much la!!!! Cute!!! =D Then treat my buddies to K-Box for karaoke... We book the package one... Cheaper and the room are huge!!! Love it love it! Cost like Rm269! But I got help him to pay a little bit lor... Pity him la... Or else he will be so "kolian" de neh~~~ Hahahaha! Then on my actual birthday, he brought me and my family to have dinner at Jambu! Overall cost Darling like Rm200++ for the dinner~ =D Then after dinner, we head to Check-In with my brothers and sisters... Cousins and bla bla bla la... Hahaha! Darling treat us 2 jugs of beers at Rm90! Wow! Spent so much right??? Hahahaha! He told me that no worries... As long as I am happy and enjoy what he done for me... Everything are worth... Awwww~~~ You are so sweet la pui~~~ Love you so muchhiieeee!!!! *hugs* xP

Dinner at Jambu

Present From My Beloved Him

Then mummy gave me a red packet... 1k!!! Hahahaha! I already spent half of them already eh~~~ Cham ah~~~ The rest must save into my saving account le!!! Promise mummy le... I really spent a lot for this month!!! Almost 1k le!!! Huhuhuhuhu... Anyway, thanks mummy so much!!!!!!! You are so great!!!!!! I love you!!!!! =D And mummy are so cute la! Put the red packet inside the L'ocittance envelop to give me a little surprise! Hahahaha! =P

Red Packet From Mummy

Well, my buddies!!! Gave me a fun night at K-Box!!! Love all the pressie too!!! Awesome!!! =D Great great great!!!

Happy Birthday To My Lovely Vivian

Cake From My Buddies - Secret Recipe

Hello Kitty Candy From Ivy -So Cute!!!!

A Pair of White Gold Earring From Sharon & Orange

All The Pressie From Sharon, Orange, Stella, Agnes, Yee Hoon, Ivy and bla bla bla...

A Pair of Sandal From my Cousin - Candy

Cake From Abby, Dine, Tieng and bla bla bla... - So expensive man!!!

Ang Pao From My Bro's Friends

Muahahaahaha! I do really enjoy my life!!!!!!!!!!!! My bro spent Rm300+ to treat them beers at Check-In as my birthday pressie la... Then my cousin's bf also treats beers too! WoooHooo!!!! Took a lot of pictures!!! Upload at FB looo.... Enjoy yourself~ =D

Oh yea... Went to have movie last night with Darling... Iron Man... Oh no~ I nearly fall asleep at the first la... The movie are bored for me??? Or maybe I am too tired le??? Hahaahaha! But Darling said nice wor... Don't know la... Anyway, I enjoy my spare time with him!!! =D

Got to go... Tada~! XD


May 8, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me ❤

Woooohoooo~~~~~ I had been many days didn't blog loooo.... So busy nowadays la!!! Work work work until no much time to online and blogging loo.... Wish to buy a Sony Bloggie!!! But no money to buy looo.... Hahahaha! =)

Well well well... Today!!! My big day la!!!! It's my 20th Birthday!!! Oh my God!!!!!! No more teenage life liaw!!! I'm 20 now!!! Wow~! Seem like very old aneh~ Isssshhhhhh!!!!!! Hate hate hate!!! Anyway, I really got a great night on last night... Went to K-Box celebrate with my buddies! Got a little bit disappointed that some of my friends can't attend lor... Some of them are sick and some of them busy study... Miss you guys la!!! Must hang out next time!!!! *crossed finger* I don't know whether I take much photos or not la... Keep on busy singing until almost no sound kii!!! Crazy us!!! Muahahaha! =P

Want to Thanks all my friends for their lovely pressie....... Cake and so on... Thanks Darling for the precious pressie too... And my mummy!!! Gave me ang pao last few days!!! 1k inside!!! WoooHoooo!!!! Feel like want to buy a handphone!!! But at last mummy not allowed!!! Said must save!!! Aiiiikkkkssss!!!! What to do??? Got money can't use... Hmmmm.... Hahahaha! Will having dinner later on with my family... =) Then go clubbing with my cousins them also... Muahahahaha! Hope I have fun!!!!



May 3, 2010

It's A Good Day ♥

It's our first day for freelance!!! Everything okay and alright... First day already got customer liaw eh... Not bad not bad... =) The lucky us~~~ Hope will getting more and more la... It's a must!!! So, I will be more busy nowadays le... Keep on planing our thing... Just done and do the name card... Design by my own!!! So lovely~ Hahahaha! Or else, ask people to design have to charge Rm50 leh... "bo hua" right??? Better design by my own! Hahahaha! =)

Anyway, I am so freaking happy today!!! Lalalalala~~~~ =) I've received my birthday pressie from Darling loooo.... Hahahaha! Izit that fast to receive my birthday pressie??? Still got few more days! Hahahaha! Thanks so so so muccchhhiiieeee!!!! Appreciate it so so so muchhhiiieeee!!!! He keep on worry no time to bring me buy my pressie before that... Coz he's busying for the PC Fair things until everyday OT!!! Suck!!! The pity him keep on worrying no time to buy my pressie for me... Issshhh!!! Why want so "mahuan" right??? He can go himself ma... He said don't want wor... Must bring me go and choose! Hahahaha! So cute right? Hahahaha! Then his manager said give all of them a day leave for today... So, finally he can bring me go buy my pressie le... Hahaha! He spent a lot for my pressie and will be spend again for the coming celebration too... Issssshhhh!!!! No more to blame right? He plan everything for me... And yet I still scolding him always!!!! I am so mean and cruel!!! What to do? I can't pretend to be good ma... Hahahahaha! A BIG THANKS FOR MY BELOVED HIM!!!!

Darling come to find me again after I "pang kang"... Find me for twice today! Morning and night! *hearts* Morning bring me go do my thing... Laminate my price list and so on... Then bring me go buy the pressie... Then night come again... Darling help to give me idea for my name card! Waseh~~~ You are quite creative leh~ I still always say you stupid! Muahahahaha! So satisfied for the name card... Design by me and him! *sweet* And Darling's mummy bought a cute Hello Kitty umbrella for me! She's just coming back from KL yesterday... Thanks so much aunty~ Hello Kitty leh~~~ It's pink some more!!! I wonder why she will buy Hello Kitty one for me hoh??? She know I love Hello Kitty too??? Hahahaha! Thanks so muchhiiieee!!!! =D

Even though today I am so busy going here going there... But, I have a nice day and also a wonderful day!!! Buy clothes again last night!!! So bad right??? These few days really shopaholic mood la! Crazy liaw! So broke liaw and yet keep on buying clothes!!! More than Rm500 gone!!! Luckily mummy sponsor me a lot!!! Hahahaha! Lovin' my life!!! =D
