Jan 26, 2009
Early In The Morning~~~
Jan 25, 2009
Happy Moo Moo Year!!!
Jan 22, 2009
These few days... =)
All of these just happened on these few days! Just want to say I Love You dear~~~!!! Thanks for everything that you had do for me~ Miss you... =)
Jan 20, 2009
My Sis & 2nd Bro Come Back Today!!!
Dear! You look smart and handsome after cutting your hair! Muackz! Love you~~~ Huggie! =*
Jan 19, 2009
I Cut My Hair! =)
Jan 17, 2009
Dear Received His Pressie~~~ =D
My fatty dear dear look suku here! Haha!
Finally~~~ It's a QuikSilver sweather!!! Hope you will like it la dear~~~
Can't wait to wear it and try it! XD
He's freacking happy!!! WooHoo~~~ Muackz! =*
Just you & me! I look ill here! Coz I'm not feeling well! Kolian... >.<"
Dear!!! I didn't owe you any pressie now liaw o~~~ Hahaha! Really hope you will like it la! Coz you said you want to have a sweather ma... See I treat you so good hoh? YOU must sayang me more than everything o~~~!!! Hehe! Actually I want to buy a bracelet for my fatty dear dear one... But neh... My fatty dear dear's hand was so BIG! Giant hand! Haha! Hard to find and kinda expensive too! I can't afford to buy it for him! Coz I no work ma... Hmmm... And the bracelet cost me Rm400++ eh! Want me die meh?! Haha! I can only afford half of the price! So lo... I choose to buy a QuikSilver sweather for him! =P
For my fatty dear dear,
Dear, you are such a strong man,
BUT, I am just a little girl compare to your size!
I know I can't give you warm,
And I can't hug you when I am not by your side,
BUT, the sweather will help me to keep you warm!!!
Love you babe! Muackz! =*
Jan 16, 2009
My Rewards of Today!
Little Miss again!!!! Hahaha! Bought them at F.O.S! In Kuching, I can only find this Cartoon tee in F.O.S nia! Hmmm... I want to find different characters!
Help dear dear buy a pair of slipper at QuikSilver! It was a simple design! =)
Ohya!!! Daddy bought a new 42" Plasma la!!! Panasonic one! Haha! Finally got new tv liaw... Coz my old big tv is out of older already... Old liaw ma... Then we have to use a small tv at house! Watch tv also blur blur! Haha! Use that small tv for few months already lor... Now Chinese New Year is nearly liaw ma... Then daddy bo bian just buy a new tv! Hahaha! I think daddy's pocket already burn a big hole liaw! Coz neh... My house is under renovation need lots of $$$ then buy a lots of things some more! Chinese New Year still want give us AngPao! Cham lo... Hahaha! But neh... as long as you will say to him that "Pa ah, lu eh chu jing sui~!" Means his house very beautiful~~~ Hahaha! Then he will be happy liaw! Hahaha! Here is our new 42" Panasonic Plasma!
Finally, got big tv liaw! Hahaha! =P
That's all for today! Good night~~~
Jan 15, 2009
A gift for you... =)
Here are your pressie~~~ Guess what inside??? Hehe! =P
Dear~~~ Really hope you will like it o~ Wanna to see your happy face when you open it! Hehe! Muackz! Love you so muchiii!!! =*
Jan 13, 2009
It's A Tuesday...
Jan 11, 2009
Finally~~~ No rain already~~~ =D
Jan 10, 2009
My Superman!!!
Do you see??? Who is that??? Haha! My new male-maid! He's my fatty dear dear la! Wakaka! XD My mummy ask him to come my house helping just now! Ask him to clean the wall and my house ceiling! Because he is the tallest one in my house la!!! Hahaha! 184cm wor... Scary??? Lolx! But I'm so short... Only... Don't want to say! Shy ma after say it out! Hahaha! Don't look down him even he is a boy he also can do well in housework de o! Haha! Because neh... He has no sister in his house! But got two little brother nia lo... All boys! Haha! So he have to learn evreything! Your parents so lucky to have you this son! Hahaha! My daddy want also don't have eh... That's why my parents really so sayang him la! Hahaha! Wait this year de ang pao got BIG BIG or not hah! Hehehe! Love you so much la! My "男佣"! Izit familiar about this word? It's a song sang by a tawan singer 吴克群! Hehehe! Many people such as my friends and my mummy said that my fatty dear look like him?! At first my mummy ask me that: "Don't you think he look like 吴克群?" Hahaha! At last I discover that really got a bit look alike la... Hahaha! You know where??? His "下巴" there lo... Hehe! But 吴克群 look slim and my dear look fat la...!!! Hehe! Dear~~~ When you read this don't scold me o~~~ Wakaka! Okay le la... Don't kacau him liaw... Let's look at his hardworking de face! LolX! =D
Do you guys see??? He very hardworking o!!! Keke!
1st picture : Helping my mum clean the wall and ceiling!
2nd picture : Helping my mummy to vacuum!
3rd picture : Helping my mummy to hanging the curtain!
Hahaha! No worries after 8 years later I marriage with you! You promise to help me do everything together hah! If not then you know! Hmph!!! Lolx! =P
Jan 9, 2009
Am I crazy???
By : Junkfood (left), Jenny Boutique (right)
My Little Miss Chatterbox!!!
By : Bossini (Singapore)
My Little Miss Lucky~~~ From my fatty dear dear la! =*
By : Junkfood
Hahaha! I really crazy about this cartoon la!!! My fatty dear got Mr.Busy and another one is Looking for Little Miss Naughty! That's me! Haha! Actually I want to buy Mr.Tall to him one coz he's tall ma... From Bossini de... Haha! But neh... It's only for kids! Haiz! =( I want to collect all of the cartoon t-shirt if I can!!! Hahaha!
Jan 8, 2009
Good Night~~~
<3 you dear~~~
*Hugs* =D
Jan 7, 2009
Plan for celebrate my 19th Birthday!!! XD
Thanks all of you~~~
Love you guys!!! Muackz!!!
Happy la~~~ =D
Jan 6, 2009
Owh.... So cute~~~
好了!我该睡觉了!不然明天又睡不醒了!嘻嘻!晚安咯~ =D
Jan 4, 2009
Happy Birthday to Mummy!!! XD
哈咯!今天是星期天,也就是我家老妈的生日啦!怎样?又老了一岁了厚!可是看起来那么年轻啦~ 哈哈哈!今天早上还是跟平常一样咯!一起床就打电话给宝贝咯!叫他醒然后下店帮忙!哈哈哈!很像在欺负他厚?可是你一点也不计较!真是个好男人!哇哈哈!放心啦!我家人尤其是我的老爸老妈都超疼你的!幸福啦你!Muackx! 老妈生日嘛~ 我这个每次装作没一回事的老爸而且还完全不懂得浪漫的老爸今天早上还放我和宝贝在店而已然后再载我老妈去 Tun Jugah 那里买手表送我老妈咯!那粒手表是我老妈前几天看中的啦!Tissot 的!不错不错!老爸还算有进步啦, 还会给老妈惊喜!到了晚上,我就驾车去载宝贝咯~ 然后就去拿我们前几天订的蛋糕!超可爱啦!是ladybird的噢!没办法啦!连订蛋糕给妈妈也要卡通的!我就是喜欢嘛!嘻嘻!之后,我们就去吃晚餐咯~ 到靠近Sercet Recipe 的一间咖啡店吃啦~那里有海鲜!今天也没什么说有特地或特别的为老妈庆祝,因为我们每个星期全家人都会聚在一起来吃晚餐的!哈哈哈!啊!我没买什么东西送给我妈啦!她的东西真的是太多了!都不知道买什么送她!什么东西都不缺!所以我就有在那天我去新加坡和我姐做一张卡片给她咯!材料都是新加坡买的!毕竟,对我老妈来说心意最重要!!!哈哈!今天就这样简简单单的就结束了! 放些照片看看吧!不是很多因为忘记带相机出门!
生日蛋糕~ 可爱吧?
Jan 1, 2009
The 1st day of 2009!
I heart ROXY!!!